Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Halfway There--20 Weeks!

Matt and I can't believe we're halfway through our pregnancy! It really did go pretty quickly. Today we had our 20week appointment plus ultrasound. I asked the tech to confirm that we're having a boy, and sure enough there's no mistaking that he is all male! :)  We've talked more about names for him, and it seems like the more we ask family and friends for ideas the more confused we get! So we decided to continue thinking about names but not say what we've chosen until the moment he's born. Plus, keeping everyone on their toes is more fun for us, hehe.

Our baby boy looking towards us slightly

A great up-close profile shot

Definitely not a girl! (A shot looking up from his feet)

This week we're moving out of our current place and into a new apartment. It'll be a bit stressful for us as moving is never an easy task, but I have two solid weeks to pack and move and unpack and settle in before school starts on August 20th. I wasn't really looking forward to such an ordeal, but then I realized...it's perfect timing to paint the baby's room! I found a great website via Pinterest called Design-Seeds that combines colors based on real photos. Here are some of my favorites and possible painting ideas:

Clearly, I like teals and aquas! I like the addition of a red or coral or orange to not make a room seem so masculine. And a light lime green seems like it works well in the combo as an accent color. I'm thinking I'll get Matt's opinion and then choose one picture to use. Gotta admit...I really am excited to plan for this baby boy!

How far along: 20 weeks
Gender: It’s a BOY!
Total weight gain: 10 lbs and climbing…
Movement: I finally felt a flutter! I feel little ones only early in the morning when I’m still in bed, around 7am or so
Food cravings: Sweets! Today at Publix I bought cupcakes, brownie mix, and ice cream
Signs of pregnancy: Bigger tummy—seems like everyday it gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger, …
Sleep: Lately I’ve been waking up earlier than usually in the morning, which means I’m tired around 11am
Labor signs: None
Happy or moody? Mostly happy though I’ve had a meltdown about every 3 days with Matt over little things. I think sometimes he forgets to treat me with kid-gloves as I’m emotional as ever and can crack at any moment.
Stretch marks?
Maternity clothes? Still resisting the urge to splurge on these
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? Exercising and not losing my breath. Whenever I walk up some stairs or carry groceries, I need a ten-minute break to slow my panting down back to normal and stop sweating. Ughhh…what a pain!
Best moment of the week: Mom and Anne (my mother-in-law) came to the 20-week appointment with us today. It was neat having the grandmas there to watch their developing grandson live on tv.
Looking forward to: Picking out a name for our little guy.

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