Saturday, September 29, 2012

28 Weeks

Lots has changed since I last posted. I said "good-bye" to my second trimester and "hello" to my third!! It's pretty exciting to know that we'll be meeting our little boy in about 3 months time--can't wait! Below are a few belated photos along with a weekly update.

21 week ultrasound. What a cute profile!

Me at 25 weeks

How far along: 28 weeks
Gender: Boy
Total weight gain: +22 pounds
Movement: Lots! He’s kicking and moving around constantly. Before it was just little thumps to let me know he’s there. Now, it’s full on kicks and pushes and stretches on my belly. I’ve been trying to figure out what part of him is doing the pushing—foot, hand, rump? I wish I knew! Clearly it’s a tight fit in there for him.
Food cravings: Just have a sweet tooth. I did pass my glucose test (no gestational diabetes!). But even though I’m not on a sugar restriction, I’m supposed to kinda avoid the sweet stuff. So hard to do!
Signs of pregnancy: The past two weeks, I’ve woken up in the middle of the night with serious Charley horses—not fun!
Sleep: Some tossing and turning throughout the night, but I can still manage to feel well rested the next day.
Labor signs: I’ve had a couple quick cramps down below this week. I guess it’s a little Braxton Hicks? Or it could be more “growing pains.”
Happy or moody? Happy!
Stretch marks? None thanks to the liberal amounts of cocoa butter I put on every day. But I do have a linea nigra, that darkish vertical line that appears on some pregnant women’s tummies.
Maternity clothes? It’s all I wear now. I LOVE the built in belly-bands in jeans and shorts—sooo comfy!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? The ability to walk long distances or climb stairs without panting.
Best moment of the week: Matt finally got to feel him really kick and push my tummy this week. He was pretty taken aback at how strong the little guy is.
Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery. We’ve done absolutely NOTHING so far—yikes!