Wednesday, May 30, 2012

10 1/2 Weeks

Well we're almost to 11 weeks pregnant! Can't believe how time is already flying by so quickly. Soon we'll be ditching the first trimester and say "hello" to phase #2 of baby-making!

This week Matt and I shared the happy news with some extended family members--aunts, uncles, and cousins. And I even spilled the beans to a few of my closer friends who I knew would give me heck when they noticed I wasn't indulging in alcohol while being around them. My father-in-law told our family during dinner prayer on Memorial Day and the news really stunned everyone! And to tell my aunt and uncle and cousins who lives in Newfoundland, Canada, we were able to Skype with them. All in all, it felt great to finally share news of Baby Sehner to our closet family members.

How far along: 10 1/2 weeks
Gender: Don’t know yet
Total weight gain: Haven’t checked since last time
Movement: Still too early
Food cravings: Macaroni and cheese
Signs of pregnancy: Still dealing with my superhuman sense of smell when it comes to fragrances. I’ve been getting more nauseous over it, too. But I’m always equipped with Saltines!
Sleep: Not too tired in the late afternoons anymore. But I’m going to bed pretty early—bedtime is usually by 10pm.
Labor signs: Nope
Happy or moody? I’ve gotten a better handle on my emotions as I’m trying to avoid becoming the “crazy-psycho pregnant lady” towards my hubby and family.
Stretch marks? None
Maternity clothes? Not yet
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? Strawberries. They have a really fragrant sweet smell that clashes with my sense of smell.
Best moment of the week: Hhmm-ing and haw-ing with Matt over whether we’re having a girl or a boy. He firmly believes he’s produced a boy. But because of his overconfidence, I’m thinking God has other plans in store for us J
Looking forward to: Our next doctor’s visit, which will be our 12-week check-up. This time Matt will get to go to the appointment (he missed the first one due to work) and I’m excited for him to see Baby Sehner on the sonogram and hear baby’s heartbeat!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's Official!

Matt and I are expecting! We found out yesterday after visiting the doctor's office and getting an ultrasound. It was amazing to finally, truly confirm that we're pregnant. We got a few photos of Little Baby Sehner and also got to listen to baby's heartbeat--an unexpected surprise! Our due date is December 20, 2012, just in time for Christmas! Though the holidays always seem to be very hectic for us...Wedding aninversary on November 28, Matt's birthday on December 1 (and his sister Julia's), Matt's aunt's birthday on December 4, holiday get-togethers around Christmastime, New Year's, then my birthday on January 13. I guess Baby Sehner will get used to the craziness very fast!

Below are some questions to help me track my pregnancy.

How far along: 8 weeks
Gender: Don’t know yet
Total weight gain: Zero (Starting weight at 140lbs)
Movement: Too early for any
Food cravings: Cheese!
Signs of pregnancy: Heightened sense of smell—anything that has a fragrance to it makes me gag! Shampoo, conditioner, facial cleanser, hand soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste, perfumes. Time to invest in fragrance-free EVERYTHING!
Sleep: So tired in the late afternoon that almost every day after work I take an hour nap on the couch. But I sleep great at night.
Labor signs: Nope
Happy or moody? My emotions are like a rollercoaster—happy one minute and feeling blue the next. Poor Matt!
Stretch marks? None
Maternity clothes? Not yet
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? Mountain Dews! Too much caffeine. But I guess it’d a good thing that they don’t even taste the same to me anymore thanks to my super sense of smell.
Best moment of the week: Sharing the news and pictures of the sonogram with our parents! They were thrilled to find out we’re expecting and that they get to be grandparents this year! (It’ll be their first grandchild.)
Looking forward to: Telling our other family members and close friends.