Tuesday, October 23, 2012

31 Weeks

How far along: 31 weeks
Gender: Boy
Total weight gain: +27 pounds (when will it ever stop?!)
Movement: Still a lot of movement at all hours of the day, especially when I’m sleeping. He’ll usually wake me up from kicking and flipping at least once during the night.
Food cravings: Bad news…I’m anemic. And not a low “normal” level, a reeeeally low level. So I need to stock up on iron supplement pills and iron-rich foods and cut way down on my favorite food groups (cheese and desserts) from here on out. Bummer.
Signs of pregnancy: I officially have CANKLES!! This is not a joke, and they did not simply creep up on me. One day last week, I was resting my aching feet on the coffee table, and Matt pointed them out. “Geez,” he said. “I can’t even see your ankle bone anymore.” I freaked upon this realization and am still wishing my swollen feet go back to normal. (Doubtful until after delivery, from when I’ve heard.)
Sleep: Besides my energetic son’s constant movement at night, I sleep pretty well. I do find that I have to “flop” over on my other side halfway through my sleep to give my other side a break from all the pressure and weight. Ugh…I feel like a beached whale when I do that!
Labor signs: The doc says to expect Braxton Hicks in the next week or so. So bring on the cramping!
Happy or moody? Right now, a bit overwhelmed. I’m trying to fit in time for nursery decorating, family time, teaching and planning for the long-term sub when I’m on leave, and spending our last “alone time” with Matt. They’re just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day for all of it.
Stretch marks? None to report :)
Maternity clothes? Is it possible that maternity clothes can be too small?? I feel like either I’m popping more and more each day OR my maternity clothes are shrinking and tightening. Hmmm…
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? Bending over! Ohh, how I’ve taken the simple act of touching the ground for granted! In my classroom, I now have to ask my students to pick up a pen or a piece of paper I’ve dropped. Thank goodness I don’t wear shoes with shoelaces to work—could you imagine me asking a student to tie my shoes!!
Best moment of the week: We painted the nursery! (Well, Matt painted the nursery. I watched.) We went with a medium gray color for all the walls and decided on navy blue for bedding/décor with a dark lime green for a pop of color. It looks very “manly” as Matt had said. We also put up the crib and changing table!  I was so excited to purchase the furniture set. The wood is an eggshell color, so it definitely lightens up the gray room. And while it’s true that Matt assembled the crib, I, by myself, built the changing table. (Fingers crossed our kid doesn’t slide off on the first changing of the diaper.)
Looking forward to: Getting the bedding for the crib. I decided to make the bed skirt as I’ve been known to be quite the seamstress in the past.

Me and my tummy

Matt painting away

Baby crib (plus a few old boxes that need storing)

Changing table

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